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15 consideration for Cattle/animal markets during COVID-19

Published on july 13, 2020

The animal market brings animals and humans together, increasing the risk of infection from animals to humans and from humans to animals. At the cattle market, sellers bring cattle from different areas to sell. Buyers come from different places to buy cattle. It increases the risk of infection in both humans and cattle.

Although till date the risk of the animal to human spread is low but incase an infected person comes to the cattle market. He can spread the virus and animals may get infected. Some animals are found to be infected by the COVID-19 like cats and dogs but cows, goats getting infected from COVID-19 are not reported. Still, we can't say that these animals can get infected or spread the virus.

Signs for sick animals:

Animals infected from coronavirus may show different signs as compared to humans. Most common clinical signs of infected animals include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Vomiting
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Eye discharge
  • Lethargy
  • Sneezing

Ensuring healthy at the Animal market:

Cattle market organizers should make sure the implementation of prevention measures at the cattle market to minimize the risk. At the animal market, they should make sure the implementation of the safety precautions for animals to keep them safe from inflectional diseases specially Covid-19.

Following precautions should be followed:

1. Ensure facemask usage:


They should make sure that every human should wear a mask. When an infected person breathes, sneeze, or cough in the air he injects small droplets of the virus into the air. If a person is not wearing marks breath in that air, he will breathe in the virus droplet and will be infected.

Facemask prevents the virus from droplets from getting into our body through our nose and mouth. There are certain points where it becomes impossible to maintain social distancing. Facemask helps to keep you safe at those places. One thing to keep in mind is facemask can’t be used as a substitute for PPE(personal protective equipment) they are mandatory to be worn in close contact with animals. Facemask is not mandatory for kids less than 2 years of people with some sought of breathing problem.

2. Social distancing:


Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet to avoid the potential risk of getting infected and spreading the virus. Stalls should be arranged in a way to maintain at least 6 feet distance between animals, staff, and visitors. While choosing a location for the event choose an open space to have maximum space for social distancing.

3. Hand Sanitization at entry and exit point:


Follow hygiene practices including proper sanitization of hands for visitors at entry and exit points. It would help to kill the virus in the hands of the visitors.

4. Disinfecting tools:


Proper sanitization of tools and pots used to feed the animals at the market. Encourage staff and visitors to disinfect items from home while bringing them in the market. Clean and disinfect animal areas time and again between show to maintain hygiene. Cleaning and Disinfectants should not be used near children. Make sure their usage in open space to ensure ventilation and saving staff and people from its harmful vapors.

5. Check animals for illness signs:


Keep eye on animals for signs of illness. If they show signs of illness, they should not be allowed to enter the market.

6. Veterinarian examination:


All animals should receive a proper examination from veterinarian or animal care expert before allowing them to enter the market. Do not allow animals who are at a higher risk of getting infected or who already show some signs of infection.

7. Handwash:


Handwash is the best way to get rid of virus germs. Encourage visitors to wash hands time and again even they didn’t touch animals. Washing hands not only keeps you safe but also people around you.

8. Disinfecting common touchpoints:


Clean and disinfect common touchpoints. Minimize the usage of common touchpoints that can’t be disinfected easily. The most common touchpoints are door handles, bathroom flash buttons, washbasin in washroom, hoses, buckets, brooms, etc.

9. Don’t allow Food sharing with animals

Don’t allow visitors to share their food with humans. In case an infected person shares his food with a health animal there are many chances that the animal will fell ill. Including this sharing food will increase the animal to human contact which is not good at all.

10. Don’t allow physical touch with human:


Don’t allow visitors to touch animals physically. Some people are animal lovers and they start kissing or hugging animals. Do not permit this because will increase the interaction between humans and animals and ultimately the risk of getting infected.

11. Separate entry and exit point:


Make separate entry and exit points at the market. It would reduce the rush of people in one place. It would also reduce the interaction of people. It would also make the hand sanitization of people easy for visitors.

12. Use of thermal gun at entry point:


Use a thermal gun at the visitor entry point to ensure that a person having signs of COVID-19 does not enter the facility. It will reduce the chances of spreading the disease. Inform visitors and judges to stay at home if they are not feeling well. Conduct minor health and symptom check at the entry point.

13. Limit contact duration:


Limit animal and human/visitor contact duration to 10 or 15 min to avoid unnecessarily contact. It would reduce the risk of transference of viruses from animals to humans and from humans to animals.

14. Allow entry of limited people:


Allow the entry of limited people to enter the market by narrowing the entry gate. We can also manage the number of people entering by using a fence which will allow only limited numbers to enter.

15. Seeking help from cleaning and disinfectant service provider:


Even after following all these safety precautions you are exposed to a great risk of getting and spreading infection. Seeking help from cleaning and disinfectant the service provider will disinfect the facility or market area professionally. They have special equipment and professionally trained experts to combat such type of situation.

They can disinfect the cattle market in a very little time and in the most effective way possible. Animal market staff can use disinfectant to disinfect things, but pro knows the minute details of usage. They know what the places are where the virus may hide and how to reach that place. That’s why professional pest control service is the best option to utilize.


Animal markets bring a great risk of spreading COVID-19 with them. The reason is they not only bring people together but also animals. Following certain safety, precautions can reduce the risk of getting infected and spreading the coronavirus.

Most common of them are washing hands, using a facemask, and disinfecting common touchpoints. If these precautions are followed truly the risk can be reduced to a great percentage.

Even after following these precautions a certain percentage of the risk the there which can be eliminated by seeking the help of professional disinfectant service providers. They know how to make the site virus free in the minimum time. They know the spots which an ordinary cleaning person doesn’t know and where a virus can hide and harm humans.

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