Fumigation Blog

Everything you need to know about fumigation

Published on september 29, 2020

What Insects Does Fumigation Kill?
How Can I Get Fumigation License In Pakistan?
What Is The Difference Between Pest Control And Fumigation?
Does Fumigation Kill Cockroaches?
Is Fumigation Harmful To Humans?
How long does fumigation treatment last?
Will Fumigation Kill Rats?
What Do Roaches Hate?
Does Vinegar Kill Cockroaches?
Do I Need To Clean After Fumigation?
How Long After Cockroach Fumigation Is It Safe?
What Are The Side Effects Of Fumigation?

What Insects Does Fumigation Kill?

Despite its fallbacks, ">Fumigation is one of the most useful ways to not only Control Termites but many other pests as well. It is typically a last-ditch effort in controlling pests but is occasionally deemed a necessary part of ensuring all pests are eliminated in serious infestations. The most simple process includes some of the following steps:

  • Before fumigation, People in the house need to clear the premises.
  • During fumigation, the house must be covered with tarps or anything that saves the important materials, so that the valuables are not affected due to fumigation.
  • After fumigation, the gas is cleared out by use of fans and by opening ventilation areas around the tarps. Nobody should access the place before this.

Fumigation is mostly used for controlling termites, but it can in fact kill many other pests present in the home or above the ground. While different types of fumigates are required for different pests, Fumigation May Kill Some Of The Following Pests:

  • Bed Bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Pantry pests
  • Rodents
  • Spiders
  • Wood-boring beetles

How Can I Get Fumigation License In Pakistan?

Do you know that how can you get Fumigation certificate in Pakistan? If not! Then you are in a right place. You need to have a fumigation certificate from any fumigation company before exporting that shows you have fumigated the cargo that you are exporting.

What Is The Difference Between Pest Control And Fumigation?


Many citizens don’t know the difference between Pest Control services and Fumigation services at their home. Lack of complete knowledge can place the consumer in serious health problem. Let’s have a look after the correct usage of the term as the difference between Pest Control services and Fumigation services varies a lot.

Pest Control – Pest control term refers to the control or management of a species defined as a pest, not total elimination of the pests. Controlling pests makes more sense in the environment community live in. For eliminating pests completely often requires harmful toxic chemicals that often times do more harm than good

  • Pests are extremely adaptable and use a variety of methods to adapt changes in environment.
  • Pests change their behaviors and adapt physiologically, including changing their times of activity and hiding.
  • No matter how toxic the chemicals used are, total elimination is never guaranteed. The chemicals used in pest control services don’t kill all the stages of pests.
  • General pests like cockroach, ants, lizards, spiders, bed bugs, termites, mosquitoes and rodents are covered under pest control services. License for carrying out pest control services is easily available with local government bodies.

Fumigation – Fumigation involves controlling pests by using fumes.. Fumigation is normally used for control commodity pests and export material. Volatile gases or other chemicals that release gases are used in fumigation, e.g. Methyl bromide and aluminum phosphate. This practice is sometimes referred to as “gassing.”

Does Fumigation Kill Cockroaches?


Cockroaches have quite a reputation. It is said that they are likely to be the only survivors of a global thermonuclear war. These are pernicious, resilient, and resourceful pests that can gain access to some of the most secure structures. And, while there are many ways to control cockroaches, it is sometimes necessary to bring out the big guns. That is where fumigation fits into the commercial pest control picture. Fumigation really helps killing cockroaches fast.

Fumigation is:

  • Able to be applied to an entire structure.
  • A fast solution that does not require several follow-up visits to ensure complete eradication of all cockroaches within a structure.
  • An effective means for exterminating all species of cockroaches.

Not Only Cockroaches Can Be Killed With Fumigation, But There Are Many Invasive Pests That Are Best Controlled With Fumigation Protocols.

  • Fumigation will kill them if pests get into delicate objects without damaging the products they have infested.
  • Fumigants can get in where chemical applications can not, as pests get deep into walls. And while it takes a little time for an entire fumigation framework to be tented, the fumigation service takes just a few hours.
  • That implies a quick solution to the problem of pests being handled. That makes fumigation an efficient way for pantry pests, termites, bed bugs, rats, psocids, spiders, wood boring beetles and more to solve infestations.

Is Fumigation Harmful To Humans?


Fumigants are also harmful to both humans and insects. Unqualified or reckless individuals may sometimes make the argument that a certain fumigant is poisonous to insects but harmless to humans.

  • All materials used as fumigants can, if not used with sufficient precautions, poison human beings because of their very existence as volatile, penetrating and toxic chemicals.
  • Therefore, anybody using fumigants should have some knowledge of their toxic properties and should take every precaution to prevent exposure to them. Any exposure before, during or after a fumigation procedure can be hazardous.
  • Nevertheless, the job is no more risky than any other manufacturing or domestic procedure that uses potentially toxic chemicals if due care is taken.

Under Four Key Headings, General Measures For The Handling And Usage Of All Fumigants:


  • In any fumigation, large or small, no person should work alone. Due to extensive use of dangerous gases, the operator may fall sick or may not be able to continue the process efficiently. No matter how small the dosage or the scale of the work, There must be someone at the back up available for emergency.
  • If any contact is made with the skin, it should be immediately washed to removed with a cloth
  • Must be prepared for everything that can happen in between the process of fumigation.
  • When fumigation is conceded out regularly, it is worthwhile for each of the operators to be supplied with his own respirator so that he himself is responsible for its care and upkeep, for his own personal protection.

How long does fumigation treatment last?

The fumigation process usually lasts for four years but in order to be precautious you must check every 2 years. Before and after the treatment you must remain alert and watchful.

Will Fumigation Kill Rats?


One of the most invasive pest infestations an individual can have in their home is a rat epidemic. A rat infestation can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs, in addition to making your skin crawl. Rat fumigation is a procedure that allows you to leave your home when your house is filled with poison that kills the rats by a professional. This approach may seem drastic, but it is effective in ridding your home of rats.

What Do Roaches Hate?

With an excellent sense of smell, nature has rewarded the cockroach, making it easy for them to seek food and find a friend. But to get rid of cockroaches, the same sense of smell can be used. There are certain scents the cockroaches can simply not abide by. Here are several smells that are toxic for cockroaches, and you can use those smells to send them packing.

  • About Lavender
  • The fragrance of lavender is hated by cockroaches, and that is good news for you. You are more than halfway to a roach-free home if you love to cultivate lavender in your yard and garden.

    1. Only plant lavender as a kind of defensive system around your home-you can create a barrier that will be loathe to cross even the most determined roaches.

    2. Within your house, you can use lavender oil to scare away existing roaches and avoid new ones from coming in. For this reason, lavender essential oils work well; you can dilute the oil and put it in a spray bottle, then spray surfaces where there have been problems with cockroaches.
  • Citrus
  • You may love to smell citrus but cockroach really hate them.

    1. That means you can use citrus scented cleaners in your kitchen and bathroom to chase any lingering roaches away.

    2. You can also keep a few citrus peels around your home in strategic places.

    3. You may need to refresh the scent a couple times a month, but that is a small price to pay for a roach-free home.
  • Eucalyptus
  • Koala bears may love the smell, and the taste of eucalyptus, but cockroaches find it quite disagreeable. If you have been looking for an excuse to plant a eucalyptus bush in your front yard or spray your home with fresh eucalyptus oil.

    1. You can use the eucalyptus scent in a number of different ways, from essential oils diluted with water and sprayed as a barrier around your home to plantings in your front yard and garden

    2. Just use your imagination – and use the cockroach’s keen sense of smell as a pest fighting weapon.

Does Vinegar Kill Cockroaches?


The cockroaches have moved in with you. These opportunistic insects thrive in dark, moist environments; water and a few crumbs are enough to attract them into the cleanest home. While vinegar is sometimes mentioned as a natural remedy to roaches, white household vinegar is better used to clean your counter tops than as an insecticide. Vinegar as a Cleaner : The vinegar itself does not repel or kill roaches. Still, cleaning the kitchen thoroughly, and sanitizing the sink, food preparation and cooking areas, helps discourage roaches that come in seeking a snacks

Do I Need To Clean After Fumigation?


Guideline How To Clean your place After Fumigation The cleaning process is pretty tedious and may take 3-5 hours if done properly.

Step 1: Fill the spray bottle with germ killing cleaner. Remember to fill your spray bottle strategically with %75 percent water, and then add the germ killing cleaner to top off the bottle

Step 2: Pick a room to begin cleaning. Begin with the ceiling. If there are dust and cobwebs, get those first. Spray the vents and ceiling if possible and wipe clean. Wash your cleaning clothe or change it after wiping the roof and vents. DON’T FORGET THE CEILING FAN!

Step 3: Work your way to the walls. You should have a fresh rag or new rag at this point. All items on the wall need to be sanitized. be very cautious of wooden picture frames when wiping with a chemical drenched rag. Squeeze your rag as much as possible and then wipe clean. Double back and wipe cany water residue with furniture polisher.

Step 4: Next, chairs, tables, desk, dressers, night lamps E.T.C. Clean your rag. All wooden finishes need a once over with furniture polish.

Step 5: Clean the baseboards, and lastly mop the floors. Any room that has carpeting should be lightly sprayed with germ killing disinfectant and allowed to dry for 24 hours. Repeat for each room.

Supplies Needed To Clean After Fumigation

  • Any cleaner that has germ-killing properties
  • New cleaning clothes if possible
  • 2 Buckets
  • Mop
  • Duster
  • Scrub brush
  • Spray bottle
  • Furniture polisher

How Long After Cockroach Fumigation Is It Safe?

The worst has happened, and you’ve suddenly found your home infested with cockroaches. Most homeowners know the importance of receiving routine pest control treatments each quarter, but not all know that the actions you take immediately following a treatment can directly determine its success. First things first, don’t panic! It takes about two weeks for all the roaches to be flushed out. Severe infestations might even require a second treatment. But your exterminator should let you know if this is needed. Here is what you need to do when you still see roaches after Fumigation It's common to see roaches even after a treatment as they hid at place that areas not covered by Fumigation

  • After an extermination you can expect to see roaches for a few weeks, even in the daytime, which you may not have seen before. This is because the treatment confuses the roaches, and their normal habits are disrupted.
  • They will usually be walking slowly, as they are dying. The number of dead roaches you see should eventually decrease as time goes on.
  • Be sure to clean up the carcasses as you see them and keep track of problem areas. You can vacuum up the carcasses or collect them individually with a tissue and flush them down the toilet.

Do Roaches Come Back After Extermination?

Although it is unlikely that roaches will come back, it is possible. Roaches can migrate in after your successful treatment. And even if you do everything right, roaches can still find a way back into your life. There are many ways this can happen, after all, roaches survive best with people.

  • Roaches can be brought back into your home through a garage sale and flea market finds.
  • Sometimes even cans and beverages from the store can carry an unwanted invader. The corrugated cardboard boxes that everything is shipped in are the perfect breeding ground for roaches.
  • Most stores you are likely to shop at work hard to keep their stores roach-free, but many get shipments in from all over the world, so it does happen from time to time. As soon as you get home, clean your cans and bottles before putting them away in the pantry, just to be safe.

What Are The Side Effects Of Fumigation?

The Dangers Of Fumigation have been a widely discussed topic in the scientific and health industry. As effective as fumigation is aligned with pests, when it comes to human security, there are some costs involved. It is mostly because the gas or fumigants used in the process are poisonous and toxic to humans and other life forms.

1) Effects on Humans

Fumigants are highly toxic to humans. This means that you cannot be in the house when the Fumigation treatment is performed.. The side effects of fumigation gases are more severe in people who have a history of chronic respiratory illness. Short term and long term exposure to these gases can result in health issues including:
  • Respiratory irritation and breathing problems
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Itching/burning of the eyes
  • Restlessness
  • Coughing
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Numbness in the limbs
  • Twitching muscles
  • Skin irritation
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Central nervous system depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Fluorosis
  • Slurred speech
  • Lachrymator
  • Unconsciousness

2) Effects On Animals

Fumigants are also toxic to animals. While this makes it fantastic for pest management, it can have adverse effects on the other animals, which include pets such as cats, dogs, and birds, among others.

Distress Signs In Pets To Watch Out For Include:
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Bleeding
  • Irritability
  • Watery eyes
  • Tremors
  • Convulsions
  • Seizures
  • Excessive salivation
  • Passing out

3) Effects On Vegetation
The side effects of fumigation on the plants and the surrounding vegetation can be devastating as well.

4) Effects On The Environment
Fumigants are not known for being ozone-friendly.. Since these gases trap heat a thousand times faster and efficiently than carbon dioxide, they accelerate the greenhouse effect and contribute significantly to global warming.

To avoid inhalation of fumigation gas, here are some practical tips to follow:

  • If you must enter a fumigated area before the place is considered safe for entry, make sure you wear the right proactive gear.
  • You are required to enter a fumigated area, cover your mouth and nose with a thick cloth. You should also wear long-sleeved garments and cover up your skin as good as possible.
  • If you are not donning the right protective equipment, including an industrial-grade respirator, goggles, and gloves, do not attempt to attempt a rescue. Instead, call for help right away.

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